50 Questions Every Cloud Computing Buyer Needs to Ask

November 30, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Joe McKendrick.

The folks at Spiceworks recently analyzed the key questions cloud computing buyers need to ask before signing a contract. Here are the four main categories — ranging from basic technical questions to governance, risk and compliance inquiries.

“Nuts and Bolts” questions:

  1. Can the solution support our OS platforms and run our applications?
  2. What web services integrations are available to us?
  3. Does the solution meet our I/O requirements?
  4. What will the latency, response times and throughput be for our applications?
  5. What’s the pricing model and cost?
  6. What’s my monthly expenditure going to be?
  7. What are the storage options and costs?…

“CYA” questions:

8. What data protection strategies are offered?
9. Backups, RAID, mirroring, replication, CDP, snapshots?
10. What compliance support does the provider offer?
11. Is the provider compliant with FISMA, PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, NERC CIP, or other regulations that are relevant to my industry?
12. What reporting options and audit support are available?…

Read more from the source @ http://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/2012/11/29/50-questions-every-cloud-computing-buyer-needs-to-ask/