5 Ways to Turn Your Cloud Computing Security Fears into Trust

August 1, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Business2Community. Author: Kamran Maqbool.

Cloud computing is becoming a successful option for a growing number of organisations, effectively freeing resources and promoting flexible collaboration. If you are considering the switch to cloud computing but are put off by concerns over security, there may be a way for you to gain assurance. Below we have created a list of the main issues posed by cloud computing, along with some suggestions of simple solutions. Where is Your Data? The thought of your data being stored in a different location to your base of operations is one of the biggest concerns for many potential clients.

What happens when your contract ends, or the provider goes into administration? The way around this is to get to know your provider and the data centres they use. This way you can be sure of the exact locations where your data will be stored, and what protocols are in place for worst-case scenarios. Create a Backup Even when you gain reassurance from a provider, you may still hear a worried voice in the back of your head. It is hard to give up control over information normally safeguarded by your business to a third party…

You can put this voice at ease by keeping a backup of your data. By keeping a back up, you can guarantee that you always have a copy of the information vital to your business. Data Centre Security If you are interested in the services a cloud computing company offers, find out what data centre they use. You can do your own research to find out the level of security the building has, what fire protection and suppression systems are in place, what connectivity options they have and what disaster recovery plans they have in place…

Read more from the source @ http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/5-ways-to-turn-your-cloud-computing-security-fears-into-trust-0571150