5 Tips for a Secure Cloud Computing Solution

November 28, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CMSReport. Author: Gil Allouche.

One of the most common concerns businesses have when they consider adopting a cloud computing solution is that they will have less control over their IT system. Thus, they worry that their data will not be secure enough, and their concern is understandable. Data breaches are expensive, both financial-wise and reputation-wise, and with attacks becoming more and more sophisticated, security has become a top priority. Luckily, adopting cloud computing does not mean that you have to give up security, but you will want to do your research when comparing options.

1. Dedicated Hardware

One important component to look at when evaluating a cloud database provider is where your data will actually be stored. Will there be a single machine that is dedicated to your data only? Knowing where your data resides is important to ensuring its safety. It is also important to find out what happens to your data should you decide to leave a particular provide or if the provider should go out of business. Be sure your contract addresses all of the possibilities so that you know for sure where your data will be at all times, and that you will have access to it…

2. Data Backups

Backing up your data is such a basic security precaution, much like an e signature, that it may seem silly to even mention. However, forgetting to have backups can have serious consequences for any size business. A good cloud provider should provide automatic backups for you, but when it comes to your sensitive data, it would be wise to have an additional set in an entirely separate location…

Read more from the source @ http://cmsreport.com/articles/5-tips-for-a-secure-cloud-computing-solution-5856