5 reasons why cloud computing and start-ups disrupt the enterprise software markets

February 13, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from VentureBeat. Author: Editorial Staff.

While software has been “eating the world” for years in the consumer world, now start-up software is infiltrating even the largest of enterprises at an ever increasing rate. Today’s enterprise-grade datacenter infrastructure makes it easier than ever for startups to rapidly build and deploy disruptive software. This is the basis for applications like Box.net, Marketo, and Nimble that quickly emerged as “must-have” software.

I’ve been in the software and infrastructure business long enough to have seen everything – from the fall of the VAX to rise of fall of client/server architectures – but it’s within the last 3 years that rapid displacement of enterprise software has taken place. It’s a mix of “must have” and “good enough” that drive the growth of these start-ups and it’s Cloud computing that is “greasing the wheels.” Gartner says the worldwide market for Software as a Service (SaaS) will be $14.4 billion in 2012. Much of that is from companies and products created in the Cloud…

After speaking with hundreds of software start-ups, here’s my advice and top 5 list for start-up software executives of why the Cloud is perfectly suited to be the IT “launch pad” for start-ups:

5. Quickly Start-up – Getting started developing and testing prototypes and beta releases in either bootstrapped or VC funding models is now easier and requires less capital expenditures than ever. Then, assuming that the software rocks, your PR push works, and the stars properly align, your venture may grow rapidly within the first few weeks…

Read more from the source @ http://venturebeat.com/2013/02/13/5-reasons-why-cloud-computing-and-start-ups-disrupt-the-enterprise-software-markets/