5 Dirty Little Secrets About The Cloud

May 27, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Mike Kavis.

When putting together a cloud strategy for your company, it is easy to overlook some of the organizational challenges that must be overcome in order to be successful. Every company that has taken the plunge into the world of cloud computing has a war story or two to share. There is no user manual or instructional video to prepare you for some of the obstacles that must be overcome.

The best you can do is talk to people who have travelled down this road and learn from their trials and tribulations. The following is a short list of war stories that either I have personally encountered or a client has shared with me over the years. I call these the cloud’s dirty little secrets because all of these were learned the hard way…

Becoming a SaaS company is radically different than selling software products

When software is shipped as product, the business processes, the operating model, and the application architecture is very different than in the always on, software as a service model. SaaS is a mindset change. We are no longer shipping products, instead we delivering a service…