5 Cloud Computing Security Tips for 2013

July 30, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from ERP Cloud News. Author: Mac Connolly.

Cloud computing is becoming more popular every year, and many are predicting that 2013 will see a real explosion in the popularity of cloud computing. While the advantages of cloud computing have been discussed at length, there are a couple of potential dangers. In particular, a cloud computing platform is only as strong as it is secure, and poor security can lead to severe problems. Fortunately, proper security protocol can help prevent many negative outcomes. Here are five security tips for those dealing with cloud computing in 2013.

1. Password security

Passwords are essential components when it comes to security in a cloud installation. Unfortunately, many people are still reckless with the passwords, which can wreak havoc in a cloud installation. Passwords for a primary server should only be known by those who need this information, and they should be changed frequently. In addition, those who access cloud servers from desktops should be taught how to create strong passwords and the importance of keeping them secret. The cloud relies on trust, and one broken password can break this trust…

2. Consider going beyond passwords

Another possibility is to use a two-level authentication technique. There are number different technologies to accomplish this, and each offer some distinct advantage. It should be noted, however, that these authentication techniques may cause frustration; before deciding to use one of these options, test it thoroughly to ensure that users will be able to understand it…

Read more from the source @ http://erpcloudnews.com/2013/07/5-cloud-computing-security-tips-for-2013/