47Lining Launches AWS Quick Start to Enable Customers to Perform Advanced Analytics on Industrial Time Series Data

April 24, 2018 Off By David
Grazed from 47Lining

47Lining, a REAN Cloud Company, today announced its Amazon Web Services (AWS) Industrial Time Series Data Connector Quick Start at Hannover Messe, the world’s leading trade show for industrial technology, from April 23-27th. The Connector Quick Start allows companies to quickly and easily synchronize their industrial time series data to AWS so they can perform advanced predictive and historic analytics using the full breadth of AWS big data and partner services.

47Lining developed the Industrial Time Series Data Connector Service so organizations can leverage their investment in common on-premises industrial process data historians while simplifying the process of making their data available on AWS in formats suitable for advanced analytics. For decades, industrial organizations have been using time series database software to harness data from their industrial devices and systems to provide real-time operational intelligence. By connecting users and devices, these systems play a critical role in helping enterprises address their most pressing business challenges. Now, organizations can reduce costs, accelerate their pace of innovation, and bring together data previously held in silos, by synchronizing their real-time and historic industrial time series data on AWS. 47Lining offers a jumpstart consulting offer on AWS’s Solution Space to help customers get started with use of the Connector.


“The AWS Industrial Time Series Data Connector enables us to pull sensor data for assets that we operate for ourselves and on behalf of third-party customers into a data lake,” said Damien Buie, Chief Digital Officer, EDF Renewables. “We can now provide enhanced, near-real-time transparency and analytic capabilities to our customers regarding asset performance.”

The Industrial Time Series Data Connector Quick Start can ingest data through either Amazon Kinesis or AWS Internet of Things (IoT) services. The launch of the Connector was developed in close connection with AWS IoT Analytics, a fully-managed service that makes it easy for companies to run sophisticated analytics on massive volumes of IoT data without worrying about the cost and complexity typically required to build their own IoT analytics platform.

“47Lining is excited to have the opportunity to offer the AWS Industrial Time Series Data Connector Quick Start to a variety of customers, particularly those in the oil & gas, energy & utilities, and manufacturing industries,” says Mick Bass, Senior Vice President of 47Lining’s Big Data Practice. “The Quick Start will really revolutionize how companies derive insights from their time series data. By eliminating data silos, industrial customers will be able to use a broad array of descriptive, predictive, and real-time analytics, driving insights from their time series data while keeping it secure.”