4 Tips to Overcoming Most Common Cloud Migration Challenges

4 Tips to Overcoming Most Common Cloud Migration Challenges

August 20, 2020 Off By David

Cloud computing offers some major advantages for businesses of all size. On the cloud, you can have instant access to all the resources and storage your company needs in an instant. You can also improve remote file availability. However, enterprise cloud migration can present some serious challenges. 

Migrating tech and files to the cloud, for example, is often a significant undertaking. Mission-critical applications or services may be temporarily unavailable, and old workflows may fail if not adapted to new platforms. Moving essential data online can also make it more vulnerable to cyber attacks.

These tips will help you account for and overcome some of the most common cloud migration challenges.

1. Build a Cloud Migration Plan

Planning is the best way to ensure a smooth migration to the cloud. 

The plan should lay out why the business wants or needs to move to the cloud in the first place, as well as the specific benefits the organization hopes to unlock. This may be scalability of resources and tech or a desire to shift costs away from capital expenses. If you’ve shifted a significant number of employees to working from home due to COVID-19, you may also want to improve remote access to company data and platforms.

Your migration plan should also cover which resources and tools will be moved to the cloud, in addition to the timeframe for this move. Some applications may work best if kept on-site, rather than moved to the cloud. Your organization may also gain access to new tools as a result of the move. Awareness of this tech can help you plan for potential uses.

Depending on company needs, you may also want to consider finding the right talent for your migration. Hiring skilled cloud professionals can help smooth out the move and future-proof your particular cloud setup.

2. Pace Your Migration

Companies typically run into issues if they rush through cloud migration. A massive variety of resources and tools typically need to be moved from on-site storage to the cloud. Speeding through this process increases the risk that these resources are improperly transferred or lost.

According to a study, 76% of infrastructure decision-makers in North American and Europe are considering moving existing applications to the cloud. Your team will likely have to move some applications as well. Planning for a transitional period can help you manage any issues that crop up as a result of this transfer.

Taking the move slowly can also provide you with some extra time to train employees on new cloud tech. 

3. Keep Security in Mind

Moving your files and tools to the cloud can create some new security challenges. In general, the cloud doesn’t have to be any less secure than on-site tech, but it can be if you don’t plan ahead.

If you’re working with a third-party cloud provider, you should ask your cloud provider about their security practices before you migrate. 

Every business can also benefit from basic cloud security practices. Encrypting sensitive data – like confidential company documents or personal customer information – will keep it safer in the case of a data breach. Managing cloud access can also help reduce the risk of unauthorized network access. 

You, your IT team or your cloud provider should also keep close track of which cloud services are being used with tech like SIEM or log management platform. Limiting unauthorized (or shadow) IT can also help you catch intruders or unwanted cloud use.

4. Continually Monitor Your Migration

Problems – and successes – aren’t always noticeable right away. You should have a plan in place for how you’ll track the effectiveness of your cloud migration in the months following. Valuable cloud metrics, including those that measure revenue impact and consumer satisfaction, can let you know if your cloud migration has made things easier for your employees and customers. Reviewing this kind of information regularly in the months following migration can also help you catch potential issues before they become major problems. 

Preparing for the Common Challenges of Enterprise Cloud Migration

Moving to the cloud often provides big benefits – but it can also create significant new challenges. Fortunately, with the right planning, most of these roadblocks can be overcome.

A security- and results-minded plan can help any company avoid or minimize pitfalls like vulnerability to data breaches and application downtime.


About the Author

Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is a tech-loving blogger who writes and edits ProductivityBytes.com. Follow her on Twitter @productibytes to read all of her latest posts!