3 Deep, Dark Secrets of Cloud Computing

February 13, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from CIO. Author: David Taber.

The promise of cloud computing is that you, the customer, don’t ever have to buy another server, back up another disk drive or worry about another software upgrade. All those promises are true-and now there are multimillion-dollar companies without a single server closet. Cool.

Unfortunately, too often cloud applications and services are bought by people who really shouldn’t be buying. Sure, they may have the budget-did you hear Gartner’s prediction that the CMO will spend more on tech than the CIO by 2017?-but that doesn’t mean they necessarily have the training to make good IT decisions, let alone the discipline or skills in their underlings to actually execute a coordinated technology strategy…

I’m not criticizing user-driven IT. The users should be driving. But, to make IT really work and scale, projects have to be done with skill sets and a focus that are rare in user departments. My entire consulting firm is based on fixing cloud systems that have been put in quickly and managed haphazardly, if managed at all. (Not that I’m not trashing any one vendor here. This article applies to almost any serious cloud service.) This is a clear case of "Pay me now, or pay me (much more) later."…

Read more from the source @ http://www.cio.com.au/article/453551/3_deep_dark_secrets_cloud_computing/