3 Cloud Computing Security Holes to Watch Out For

February 13, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from SmartDataCollective. Author: Natalie Leher.

When your data and files are going to be ‘up there somewhere’, it’s only normal that you’ll want to think security in the cloud. You could of course adopt the strategy of never betting more (data) than you can afford to lose. However, the cost reductions available and the massive move of your competitors to the cloud may force you to use rather more of it than you anticipated. Gotta keep up with the neighbors, right? Well, it turns out that the applications you live next to in cloud computing can also be a source of security risk for you…

1. Not So Nice Neighbors Depending on what kind of cloud computing you want to do, other customers may affect you in a couple of ways. For example, if a multitenant cloud database is not properly designed, a flaw in somebody else’s application may open the door for a hacker to everybody’s data in that database…

At another level of sophistication, virtual machines running on the same hardware can spy on each other (‘side-channel analysis’) to pick up information on the cryptographic key being used by the other VM. This requires a high level of hacking skill, but it has been shown to be doable…

Read more from the source @ http://smartdatacollective.com/cloudwedge/298831/3-cloud-computing-security-holes-watch-out