10 trends that will influence cloud computing in 2017

December 20, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InformationAge. Author: Editorial Staff.

For most organisations the question is no longer whether it is appropriate to adopt cloud, but when is the right time and what services to move.Meanwhile, early adopters should be reviewing their portfolio to ensure they are getting best value and optimum service, as cloud providers are constantly developing and updating their offerings. These are the key cloud trends to look out for in 2017.

1. Enterprise cloud

At the moment, the term’ enterprise cloud’ is generally taken to mean virtualised in-house environments with an element of user self-service and reporting. Hyperconvergence is often described as enterprise cloud.However, ‘true’ enterprise cloud should be a common suite of design, provisioning, management and reporting tools controlling hybrid clouds that allow each service to be hosted and controlled on the most appropriate platform. That’s irrespective of whether these are public, private, hybrid, community, hosted or any combination…

Read more from the source @ http://www.information-age.com/10-trends-that-will-influence-cloud-computing-in-2017-123463713/