September 22, 2010 Off

Michael Dell talks ‘Zettabytes’ at Oracle OpenWorld

By David
Grazed from CWDN.  Author: Adrian Bridgwater.

This enormous IT show started off today with a presentation from Michael Dell. The man himself kicked off with an overview of the partnership that has existed between his company and Oracle since 1995. This week has seen the launch of a new Oracle consulting and implementation practice at Dell, so it’s fairly safe to say that the two companies are snuggling up closer than ever.

September 22, 2010 Off

Forecast for Cloud Security: Still Cloudy

By David
Grazed from ChannelPro SMB.  Author: Herman Mehling.

While many companies are moving their apps and services to the cloud, roughly half are unaware of what they are getting themselves into, security-wise. That’s the main finding of Security of Cloud Computing Users, a recent study done by the Ponemon Institute for CA Technologies.

September 22, 2010 Off

European Data Privacy Restrictions Slow Cloud Computing Spread

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author:  Lora Bentley.

Adoption of cloud computing is spreading rapidly in the United States, primarily because it "allows companies to tap enormous computing power…without having to invest in the infrastructure," The New York TImes reports. According to Gartner, global sales of cloud services are expected to reach $102.1 billion by 2012. But Europe is only expected to account for approximately 29 percent of those sales.


September 22, 2010 Off

Oracle Exec Details Potential Pitfalls Of Cloud Computing

By David
Grazed from CRN.  Author: Rick Whiting.

Cloud computing is often portrayed as a panacea for dysfunctional IT systems. But the ugly truth is that cloud computing can create as many problems with IT infrastructure, systems management, security, application configuration and data access as it solves.

September 21, 2010 Off

Oracle Steps Up to the Cloud

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author:  Arthur Cole.

IBM, HP and Dell own the enterprise. Oracle owns the carrier networks. And now that Oracle is on the map with a new-found hardware platform courtesy of Sun Microsystems, will it be very long before the terms "Oracle" and "enterprise" are no longer akin to oil and water?

From the looks of things at Oracle OpenWorld this week, it seems Ellison & Co. certainly have the enterprise in their sights — or make that the enterprise cloud.

September 21, 2010 Off

Infographic: Virtualization & State of Cloud Computing

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Om Malik.

A survey of data center and IT management professional conducted by Zenoss, an Annapolis, Md.-based data center software and service provider reveals some surprising facts about virtualization and cloud computing. The results were collated from the responses of 204 individuals. Here are the the findings of the survey plus an info graphic outlining the State of the Cloud Computing:

September 21, 2010 Off

Amazon: Death by Cloud for Traditional Software

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Matt Asay.

Enterprise computing is moving to the cloud, but few seem to appreciate just how profoundly this shift will destabilize the traditional vendor landscape. Gartner projects enterprise software to top $232 billion in global revenue in 2010, and it’s safe to assume that the Oracle and IBM crowd expect the lion’s share to land in their pockets.

Not so fast. Lost in the hype around cloud computing is the very real possibility that the company doing so much to enable it just might take a massive share: Amazon.

September 21, 2010 Off

HP offers telcos cloud-based device management tools

By David
Grazed from ZDNet.  Author: David Meyer.

The Cloud Services Enablement for Device Management as a Service (CSE for DMaaS) product lets wireless and broadband companies provide services such as managing companies’ smartphones, notebooks and other mobile devices for them.

IT staff at those companies would be able to manage these devices, as well as PCs, through a secure, customisable web portal that would allow for the distribution of applications, the configuration of devices, the diagnosis of problems and the enforcement of security policies. Full back-up and restore features would also be possible using the system.