December 24, 2010 Off

The 2011 Mandate for C-Level Tech Executives

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Susan Hall.

We here at IT Business Edge have been talking for quite some time about the radical changes taking place in IT, both in terms of technology and with the work force. (I was shocked at the number of results I got on a search of our site for the phrase "end as we know it.")


December 22, 2010 Off

Dell To Acquire Healthcare Cloud-Storage Specialist InSite One

By David
Grazed from CRN.  Author: Scott Campbell.

Dell (NSDQ:Dell) has agreed to acquire cloud-based medical archiving company InSite One to help healthcare organizations simplify the keeping of their data, according to Dell.

InSite One, based in Wallingford, Conn., manages nearly 55 million clinical studies and 3.6 billion medical images and supports almost 800 clinical sites using a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure, according to Dell.

December 22, 2010 Off

Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service and Web Hosting

By David
Grazed from Gartner.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service and Web Hosting:

Cloud infrastructure as a service has evolved primarily from the Web hosting market, but the cloud has created new opportunities for cost savings and business agility. The market is immature, the services are all unique and evolving rapidly, and vendors must be chosen with care.

December 22, 2010 Off

Grid vs. Cloud: What’s the Difference?

By David
Grazed from Server Watch.  Author: Sean Michael Kerner.

Cisco’s CTO for the Cloud, Lew Tucker, is no stranger to large-scale computing efforts. Tucker joined Cisco in late June and had previously worked for Sun Microsystems working on Sun’s cloud and large scale web property efforts.

At Cisco, Tucker’s responsibilities span multiple business units as the cloud includes enterprise, service provider and partner efforts. For Tucker, the cloud isn’t just a new name for grid computing or other previous efforts at large scale distributed computing, though there is a connection.