December 28, 2010 Off

The Cloud: More Than Just Dollars and Cents

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Arthur Cole.

The waning days of December have brought out the usual raft of year-end reviews coupled with year-ahead predictions, and it’s no surprise that the current crop of enterprise-related round-ups focuses primarily on the cloud.

As the most significant shift in data infrastructure since, well, the creation of data infrastructure, the cloud is seen as both inevitable and far-reaching in its potential to radically reshape the entire IT industry. But mixed in with all this enthusiasm, a bit of caution: For every predictable outcome from the cloud there will be multiple unpredictable ones.

December 28, 2010 Off

Managing Yum Plugins

By David
Grazed from ServerWatch.  Author: Joe Brockmeier.

Yum is one of the most widely used package management tools, but many users don’t know that Yum has a plugin system to extend its capabilities. Let’s take a look at how to extend Yum to add some very useful features.

If you’re using Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, or a number of other RPM-based systems, you are probably very familiar with using Yum to install packages and update your system. It’s very useful out of the box, so to speak, but it can be extended to add even more functionality.

December 28, 2010 Off

A Glimmer of Security Hope for 2011

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

We’ve been talking as an industry about the convergence of security and IT operations management for the better part of a decade.

December 26, 2010 Off

For Wall Street Firms, Cloud Computing to Gain Momentum in 2011

By David
Grazed from Wall Street & Technology.  Author: Melanie Rodier.

Why It’s Important: Cloud computing is gaining momentum quickly on Wall Street. In a 2010 Wall Street & Technology/ InformationWeek Analytics survey of 144 capital markets executives, 40 percent said their firms already use some type of cloud, while an additional 31 percent said they are considering it. "The current trend is how to optimize your footprint and minimize what you have to expend in capitalization, while maximizing performance," says Mark Popolano, a senior advisor with Ineum Consulting and a former AIG CIO. The cloud fits the bill perfectly, he notes.

December 24, 2010 Off

Cloud Migration: Who’s Up to the Challenge?

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Arthur Cole.

It’s a given that next year will see a significant uptick in cloud computing – the start of what looks like a decade-long transition from static enterprise infrastructure to a more flexible, dynamic and global environment.

December 24, 2010 Off

Sifting Through the Rubble

By David
Grazed from Destination CRM.  Author: Lauren McKay.

What’s the point in sponsoring a conference? Conventional wisdom holds that the real value is the exposure and the lasting impact on current and future customers. If so, someone might have mentioned that point to technology giant HP, which parlayed a sponsorship of this year’s Oracle OpenWorld conference into an opportunity to address the event’s 40,000-plus attendees (and thousands of additional online viewers) during the opening keynote.

December 24, 2010 Off

Data Management Issues to Dominate IT in 2011

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

For far too long, data management has pretty much been an afterthought for IT. Historically, it’s been a lot easier to throw hardware at various problems in the form of giving each application its own dedicated server and storage resources.


But as we look at the impact of virtualization and cloud computing on the enterprise, it’s clear that shared IT infrastructure is going to be the general rule of thumb from here on out. The problem this creates for IT organizations is that anything that has to be shared by definition needs to be managed.