January 1, 2011 Off

Flash video gets a cloud option through Amazon

By David
Grazed from ZDNet.  Author: Stephen Shankland.

Flash Media Server 4 lets customers send streaming video across the Net. By using it hosted on AWS‘ Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service, customers don’t have to worry so much about installation and configuration details.

January 1, 2011 Off

Supplying the Law of Demand

By David
Grazed from Destination CRM.  Author: Denis Pombriant.

Demand generation is one of the few things on which most businesspeople enthusiastically agree. We need it and we crave it. Without it, life is pretty miserable, as the last couple of years have vividly demonstrated.

December 31, 2010 Off

Cisco, Cloud Computing and Open Source Software

By David
Grazed from Server Watch.  Author: Sean Michael Kerner.

The move to cloud-based infrastructure is one that is set to dominate networking discussions in 2011. One of the leaders in the move to cloud is networking giant Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO), which provides servers, routing and switching infrastructure that enables cloud computing deployments.

At this stage of cloud development and deployment, standards are still emerging, which is where open source software may be able to help.

December 31, 2010 Off

SOA Book Offers Answers to 100 Questions

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author:  John Storts.

IT Business Edge blogger Loraine Lawson amused me with her Monty Python reference when discussing the current "health" status of SOA. While it has been declared dead, Lawson tells us that it’s "feeling better" and poised for resurrection, according to the same source that heralded its demise in the first place (the Burton Group).


December 30, 2010 Off

NephoScale Jumps Into IaaS Cloud Market

By David
Grazed from Network Computing.  Author: Robert Mullins.

There’s a new entrant in the growing infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud market that is claiming innovative technology rivaling that of established players such as Amazon EC2, Rackspace and Go Grid. NephoScale says that its cloud infrastructure is built from the ground up to overcome some of the limitations of legacy cloud providers.

NephoScale, which has been in beta testing for eight months and emerged from stealth mode just two weeks ago, introduced on Jan. 11 its IaaS offering. It includes an application programming interface (API) for customers that simplifies movement of IT resources to the cloud.

December 29, 2010 Off

Cloud Computing: How Cloud Computing Shifts the VAR Model

By David
Grazed from Channel Pro.  Author:  Colleen Frye.

Douglas Toombs is a senior analyst at Tier1 Research, a division of The 451 Group, where he covers managed services and cloud computing. In this conversation with writer Colleen Frye, Toombs notes some key trends, and why SMBs and the channel should get onboard and leverage their status as trusted partner.

ChannelPro-SMB: What are some key trends in managed services, and which are pertinent to SMBs?