Preparing your business for a move to the cloud

July 24, 2018 Off By David
Object Storage
In order to secure success for your business, it is essential that you keep your organization moving forward. Instead of resting on your laurels, you should constantly be aiming for more. There are so many ways for you to enhance your operation and it would be a shame for you to allow these opportunities to slip through your fingers. One such opportunity is to move your business onto the cloud. It is a fantastic way for you to save your company time, money, and effort. It is also an excellent way for you to establish yourself as a forward-thinking organization that knows how to use technology to its advantage. Below are seven steps that will help you to achieve your goals.  

Weigh up the pros and cons of cloud computing

As a business owner, you should have total confidence in every move you make. Otherwise, it will be impossible for you to secure the backing of your clients, your employees, and your important investors. Even if you are fairly confident about a new initiative, it is still worth your while to weigh up the pros and cons. This is especially true when it comes to cloud computing. Moving your business onto the cloud is a huge step to take. It will completely transform your operation. That is why you should undertake an extensive research project before you get started.

Improve your financial situation

Once you have sorted through the pros and cons of cloud computing, you will need to improve your financial situation. After all, it will be so much easier for you to push forward with your plans if you have the financial backing you require. Have no fear, increasing your funds is much easier than you would think. You could cut down on your outgoing expenses, increase your prices, or build up an investment portfolio. You could also reach out to Bonsai Finance. They will help you to explore your financial options until you find a solution that meets your particular requirements.  

Invest in your company’s technology

When you have finally got your hands on the funds that you require, you will need to invest in your company’s technology. Your move to the cloud will mean that you are relying on your digital devices more than ever. If they are not up to scratch, your entire operation will be left vulnerable. However, if your devices are of the highest quality and are well protected, you will be able to experience all the benefits of cloud computing without any of the risks. Now is the time for you to drive your available funds into the latest technology. Don’t just aim to match your competitors, set your sights on going one step further. Although this will require you to part with your money on a short-term basis, eventually your savvy investments are sure to pay off.

Take the time to talk to your team

The next step is to talk to your team. If your move to the cloud is going to be a success, it is essential that you have your entire workforce on board. From day one, your employees should understand the various changes that are going to be made. They should be given the support they need to get their heads around cloud computing and the many avenues it opens up. Hopefully, as time goes by, you will start to notice that your employees are excited about the upcoming move. If this is not the case, it is your responsibility to turn things around. Don’t give up until you have each and every one of your workers singing from the same hymn sheet.

Encourage your employees to work from home

One of the best ways for you to boost employee morale is by highlighting the many benefits tied to cloud computing. For instance, cloud computing will allow your team members to work remotely. Instead of being limited to the use of one device, your workers will have the option of moving around your office space. They could even be given the chance to work from home. Not only will this provide your employees with more freedom, but it will also give you an excellent opportunity to save money. If your move towards a virtual workforce is successful, you might reach a point where you no longer need to keep your premises open all day every day. Instead, you could rent out your workspace or downsize to a much smaller location.

Learn from other organizations

With so many options available to you, it is perfectly understandable if you are feeling overwhelmed. If this is the case, you should endeavor to learn from other organizations. Try to find at least two or three companies in your area of the industry that has previously moved their operation onto the cloud. Did they make any mistakes that you could learn from? Are there any success stories that you can emulate? Did they hire a team of experts to guide them through their transition? Would any of your industry peers be willing to offer you helpful advice? These are the kinds of questions you need to be asking yourself. Once you have secured the right answers, you will find that your doubts begin to disappear.  

Keep your client base updated

Last but not least, you should do everything in your power to keep your client base updated. You need to make sure that your move to the cloud is helping you to draw in new customers, rather than isolating your existing audience. If you are going to achieve this, you will need to stay in regular contact with your customers. Why not complete this step via social media? This is a much better approach than bombarding your clients with lengthy emails or formal letters. You can simply fire off a short tweet or a snappy Facebook post. It should be enough for you to keep your followers in the loop, without overwhelming them with an unnecessary amount of information.