Mobile Computing Gaining Traction on Multiple Fronts

February 28, 2018 Off By David
When the first concepts for mobile computing were shown, there was a lot of scepticism from audiences towards the idea’s potential, especially with regards to the current active presence of desktop computers all around us. However, it’s not hard to see the potential in this solution, especially when one considers the growing attention towards smartphones and tablets on one hand, and the rapid development of the market for casual computer users on the other.

Device Choice Is Getting Better

A quick look at a site like Gadget Gestures is enough to make it clear that we currently have access to quite a lot of devices to pick from, and that number is growing on a pretty much daily basis. It used to be hard to find a smartphone that offers everything a user needs to have, while also being a comfortable solution for using in a desktop mode, but that’s far from the case now. And with companies like Microsoft making some real effort in this area and evolving ideas like Continuum, it likely won’t be long before we see ubiquitous mobile desktop computing.

Devices Are More Powerful

On the other hand, the devices that we get to pick from are significantly more powerful than what we used to have too. It’s no longer unthinkable to deploy a mobile phone as a replacement for a desktop computer, and even though it’s not perfect in some regards, these issues can be ironed out in time. Especially when one considers that they are primarily rooted in software development and not so much related to hardware limitations. As long as the companies working on the operating systems that we use are willing to push things forward in that direction, we should see some real progress not too far from now.

Users Know What They Need

Last but not least, it’s important to note that the people who use computers and smartphones nowadays also know what they need those devices for to a much better degree than before. Casual computer usage – like sticking to Facebook and YouTube – is becoming more and more prevalent, and with that, the need for powerful desktop computers is slowly vanishing in some areas. It will be interesting to see if this style of computing could be completely replaced in the future for more casual users, but this will require a major push from all companies in order to make it a common market trend. We don’t expect that unless they can all benefit from it, but who knows what might happen.

One should not disregard the possibility of mobile devices replacing regular desktop computers, and this might happen sooner than we think. It will change the market significantly in some regards, and some companies might also find it difficult to adapt to the new situation, but when one considers the long-term implications, this is probably for the better. Let’s see where things will end up and who will make the biggest push, as there will definitely be a lot to see in this corner of the market soon.