Is Data Sovereignty A Barrier To Cloud Adoption?

April 11, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Allen Leinwand.

I believe that cloud-based services can offer enterprise organizations significant value. From a cost, maintenance and deployment standpoint, the cloud can deliver applications and data to help organizations move faster and be more competitive. However, this "anytime, anywhere" access to applications and data can also cause business headaches in terms of compliance. Data must be managed and controlled according to the various laws, rules and regulations of each country — and different countries demand something different from an organization. As well, these data sovereignty initiatives need to be transparent to users.

Data Sovereignty As A Barrier To Cloud Adoption

Over and over again I hear from potential customers that one of the biggest barriers to their organization adopting the cloud is the compliance of data sovereignty laws. Enterprises work in so many different locations and with so many different vendors that it becomes difficult to guarantee the data sovereignty of information…

Vendors, on the other hand, promise that they are in compliance, and must do so in order to keep business (even though they know that at the end of the day, the enterprise is responsible for ensuring that the data does not cross borders in a prohibited way)…

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