CompTIA State Of The Channel: Partners Navigate Cloud Confusion, Vendor Choices

October 27, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from ChannelPartners. Author: James Anderson.

Partners have mixed opinions about whether cloud computing has improved their relationship with end users and vendors. CompTIA’s annual State of the Channel survey offers an in-depth look at the changing growth areas, business models and concerns that solution providers are encountering in 2016 in the upcoming years.

The study found that optimism for the channel is essentially unchanged from last year, with 63 percent of respondents saying they are hopeful for the industry. But the overall sentiment of positivity and confidence comes alongside angst that surrounds cloud computing and vendor-partner relationships. Let’s take a look…

‘Cloud Confusion’

The number that should jump out at readers is 37 percent: the amount of channel firms that say the cloud’s impact has been “extremely positive.” Two years ago, that number was 63 percent. Why the 26-point drop in cloud satisfaction?…

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