Ten reasons why your business should move to the cloud

April 26, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from ITProPortal. Author: David Richards.

The cloud gives you access to enormous computing power immediately Ordering servers to operate behind a firewall can take months. For a business that needs to react to change and get products out of the door quickly, you do not have time to wait for the IT department to order and configure a new server when a virtual one can be delivered instantly.

There is no set up time to operate in the cloud

Technology such as WANdisco’s Fusion active replication make it easy to move large volumes of data to the cloud whilst continuing with transactions, enabling companies to move critical applications and processes seamlessly. Setting up servers can take three to six months…

It’s cheaper

Large cloud providers like Amazon Web Services benefit from huge economies of scale and are therefore able to offer greater computing power at a lower cost…

Read more from the source @ http://www.itproportal.com/2016/04/26/ten-reasons-why-your-business-should-move-to-the-cloud/#ixzz46wqThhRr