Cloud Computing: OpenStack is overkill for Docker

August 11, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from TechRepublic. Author: Matt Asay.

Both OpenStack and Docker were conceived to make IT more agile. OpenStack has strived to do this by turning hitherto static IT resources into elastic infrastructure, whereas Docker has reached for this goal by harmonizing development, test, and production resources, as Red Hat’s Neil Levine suggests.

But while Docker adoption has soared, OpenStack is still largely stuck in neutral. OpenStack is kept relevant by so many wanting to believe its promise, but never hitting its stride due to a host of factors, including complexity. And yet Docker could be just the thing to turn OpenStack’s popularity into productivity…

Whether a Docker-plus-OpenStack pairing is right for your enterprise largely depends on the kind of capacity your enterprise hopes to deliver. If simply Docker, OpenStack is probably overkill…

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