10 recommendations for cloud partners

July 20, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ComputerDealerNews. Author: Paolo Del Nibletto.

One of the top market analysts in the world Tiffani Bova, VP of Gartner Research, has comprised a list of essentials for channel partners who are in tough with the transition to the cloud. The noted analyst delivered her top 10 list to an overflow audience at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference and said it’s not too late for the channel to embrace the cloud phenomenon. Before Bova unveiled her must-knows for the channel she told the crowd to ask themselves these hard, soul searching questions:

1. What kind of partner should I become?
2. Should I invest in cloud services?
3. Do I have the rights sales and technical skills?
4. Will our products and services resonate?
5. Can you think 2020 instead of 2015?…

“We have made a success of deploying technology, fixing it and doing it again. Margins are getting compressed and customers are thinking differently today. We can’t think of solving customer problems the same way we did in the past,” she said. Bova added that she can show channel partners the path but only they can walk that path…

Read more from the source @ http://www.computerdealernews.com/news/10-recommendations-for-cloud-partners/43192