After the ‘race to zero’, cloud providers look for the perfect location

July 6, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheGlobeAndMail. Author: Mark Cunningham.

The “race to zero” is alive and well, as Google Inc. made clear a few weeks ago when it announced that its new Photos app will be free, including unlimited storage. Cloud services have finally reached zero. Over the past two years, the cloud industry’s price war has been good for pretty much everyone.

Lower upfront costs, tumbling storage prices and cheaper “compute” (non-storage) services are benefits that software vendors and end consumers alike can thank the race-to-zero gods for providing. But as prices keep dropping across the board, we’re starting to see a levelling of the playing field among major vendors…

With cost no longer a big determining factor for companies choosing a cloud infrastructure provider, two other considerations are coming more into play: the sophistication of the compute services on offer, and the geography of those services…

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