Google to Use Live Events to Grow Interest in Its Cloud Platform

May 15, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from eWeek.  Author: Jaikumar Vijayan.

Five one-day events will be held in New York, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam and Tokyo next month, with the goal of attracting more enterprise interest in its cloud computing platform.  Google is expanding its efforts to get more businesses to notice its array of cloud computing technologies.

Google’s cloud platform team will hold live events in five major cities this June where it will have customers and developers talk about their experiences with the company’s cloud computing technology…

The events are a bid by Google to give current and potential customers a firsthand look at how people are using its cloud computing platform. The event series is titled "Next" and will be held in New York; San Francisco; Tokyo; Amsterdam, Netherlands; and London next month…

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