Research: What do users want from the hybrid cloud?

April 24, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Computing. Author: John Leonard.

A recent Computing survey of 130 IT decision-makers in companies with 100 to over 5,000 employees, found that organisations using cloud services are now in a large majority. Given that “cloud” covers services as diverse as online storage of personal photos and big data analytics-as-a-service this is perhaps not surprising.

What is unexpected though, is that as many said that they have deployed some sort of private cloud set-up as are using public SaaS, PaaS and IaaS combined. With as many private clouds as public ones, hybrid cloud architectures (currently in 19 per cent of firms surveyed) have emerged as pressures grow to make the platform fit the business rather than the other way round…

Some functions tend to be best suited to the cloud (perhaps with more than one supplier) while others tend to remain under the auspices of a company’s IT manager or at least hosted in a known location…

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