How Cloud Computing is Set to Shape the Next Decade of Technology

February 26, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CustomerThink.  Author: Gary Gould.

What we can expect from the Cloud over the next ten years.  In the United Kingdom, almost seventy per cent of businesses are using at least one cloud based service.  That’s a huge leap from five years ago, when the Cloud would barely crop up in conversation.

Nowadays, we are forever reading about cloud technology, the Internet of Things, virtual desktops and wearable technology. For the small business owner, there’s a lot to keep up with. After all, you never know when the next generation-defining innovation is going to be launched, and you need to be prepared to use it to its full potential when it finally drops…

So what can we expect from cloud computing in the next ten years? Are we likely to see a shift towards closer integration with mobile devices? And what about the Cloud’s impact on big data?  Read on to find out our top four predictions for the Cloud in the run-up to 2025…

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