Cloud Computing: Bell Labs finds that combining IP and optical transport can improve network efficiency

February 12, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ZDNet. Author: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols.

Never has the hunger for bandwidth been as high as it is today. To meet that demand, Bell Labs, the industrial research arm of Alcatel-Lucent, has been studying how high-end networks use converged IP and optical transport technologies to meet today’s network demands.

The researchers found that converged IP/optical control integration could reduce network resource requirements without compromising service availability. This was done by "comparing the relative cost of integrating and coordinating resiliency methods in both the IP routing and optical transport network. Resilience is the network’s ability to resume normal operations if a failure occurs and is an essential component of an operator’s highly reliable network."…

The bottom line, according to Bell Labs, is that by converging IP routing and optical transport technologies "operators can meet the same requirements for service availability while using up to 40% less network resources, such as 100G router ports and optical transponders." This means with the right infrastructure, ISPs and carriers can meet greater customer bandwidth demands with lower up-front costs…

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