Cloud Computing: Shedding Some Light on Shadow IT Management

January 26, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from DataCenterKnowledge. Author: Tom Bice.

Shadow IT has been lurking in the dark corners of organizations for years now, but as BYOD and public cloud computing gain traction in the workplace more and more employees are stealthily adopting their own software and hardware without telling IT. When IT is left in the dark it makes it nearly impossible to mitigate potential risks, and in light of the recent barrage of data breaches executives are becoming increasingly concerned about the issue.

So what can you do? First and foremost, accept that shadow IT is here to stay. IDC found that the majority of information workers share files via email and other unsecure methods while only a small group, about 10 percent, use a service provided by their company. Rather than trying to squash all instances of shadow IT that pop up in your organization, put a plan in place to help manage it. The following tips can help get you started…

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