Cloud Computing: Mirantis Out With Latest OpenStack Distribution

January 9, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from DataCenterKnowledge. Yevgeniy Sverdlik.

Mirantis, which helps companies stand up OpenStack clouds of their own, has launched the latest release of its distribution of the popular open source cloud architecture. Mirantis OpenStack 6.0 is based on OpenStack Juno, the most recent release of the open source software package.

Juno came out in October 2014. This is the first OpenStack distribution companies can write their own plug-ins for that can be installed and deployed automatically. Lots of vendors want to be part of the rapidly growing OpenStack ecosystem and want customers to use their products as part of their OpenStack clouds…

That means they have to make their products, storage and networking hardware and management software, for example, compatible with OpenStack. The chief way of doing that has been to contribute plug-ins for different pieces of technology to the open source project…

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