Navy Eyes Cloud Storage

March 18, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from InformationWeek. Author: Henry Kenyon.

In its ongoing efforts to reduce network and IT infrastructure costs, the US Navy wants to move most of its non-classified, publically available data to a commercially provided cloud, cut the number of Navy data centers from 150 to 25, and eliminate redundant costs including duplicative software applications.

The move reflects the Navy’s desire to cut $1.3 billion from its IT budget, and cloud-based data storage is a cost-effective option, Navy CIO Terry Halvorsen told executives at a government IT event in Washington D.C. on March 13. A substantial part of those savings would come from consolidating the Navy’s data centers and adopting cloud computing and virtualization for most of the service’s non-classified data, Halvorsen said, adding that the Navy would continue to keep mission-sensitive and critical information in its classified databases…

But as the Navy closes data facilities, the data itself will require analysis for security and efficiency purposes. Besides defending against potential data breaches, the Navy wants to trim redundant and obsolete applications from its databases…

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