Gartner: Why private clouds fail

February 9, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from NetworkWorld. Author: Brandon Butler.

Most businesses believe their private clouds have failed, according to a survey by research firm Gartner. Gartner analyst Tom Bittman says 95% of respondents reported that some aspect of their IaaS private cloud has gone wrong. In other words, 19 out of 20 private cloud implementations are leaving something to be desired. The obvious question is: why? In a recent blog post Bittman lists the top six reasons he believes private clouds fail. Here’s a link to his blog, but in summary they are:

-Focusing on the wrong benefits: Many times cloud projects are pursued as a money-saving endeavor. That’s missing the point of all the benefits a true cloud strategy can bring.

-It’s not really a cloud: Many people mischaracterize highly virtualized environment as a private cloud. It may not have features such as self-service or rapid elasticity, key tenets of a true IaaS cloud…

-Getting nitty-gritty: A cloud project will require infrastructure and operations teams to work together. Failure to do so yield a failed cloud project.

-Changing infrastructure, but not changing processes: Instituting a private cloud isn’t just about installing new technology; it’s about having a workforce that uses the features of the cloud to their fullest extent in their work process…

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