Why cloud computing needs the Steve Jobs factor more than ever

April 3, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from StartupSmart. Author: John Russell.

In my most recent article for Bluewire Media, I argued Steve Jobs was possibly the greatest pull marketer of our time and his influence on cloud computing. It’s funny to me how a lot of the things we use today were conceptualised from the mind of one man. From touch-screen smart phones with beautiful interfaces, to desktop computers with numerous fonts – Jobs’ influence on the idea of the cloud is no different.

The only difference is that I believe if Steve Jobs was still around today to advocate the cloud we would be further along with cloud infrastructure than where we are currently. Why? Jobs commercialised these “crazy” ideas. He validated them by making them not just ideas, but reality. He made them cool…

How he started?

I’m a huge advocate of Steve Jobs and the fact that we can still learn a lot from what he did to move our world in the right direction – continually challenging the status quo. For me, personally, that direction is quite simply “the cloud”. How did Steve Jobs promote the cloud? Well, at first glance, his product, MobileMe, was a complete failure. However, its predecessor, iCloud, is what actually grabbed commercial attention and left behind one the most amazing legacies the world has ever seen: iCloud is Steve Jobs’ present to us…

Read more from the source @ http://www.startupsmart.com.au/mentor/why-cloud-computing-needs-the-steve-jobs-factor-more-than-ever/201304029353.html