The Cloud Vital Signs: Are You Digging Your Own Grave?
June 10, 2014Grazed from CRN. Author: Steve Burks.
Are you driving fast, making big bets on new products and services in a cloud-computing marketplace moving at blinding speed? It’s a question worth asking given just how fast recurring revenue cloud-computing services are reshaping the legacy IT landscape. Solution providers that are relying on business models that were developed in the days when on-premise IT projects were queued up like airplanes during a blizzard are never going to be able to dig out and get their businesses off the ground…
Every company should be measuring just how many new practices, products and recurring revenue services they are bringing to the market, and how many new customers they are adding each and every quarter. Think of those critical quarterly measurements as the vital signs of your business…
The Channel Company, the parent of CRN, gets just how critical these vital signs are and is moving fast to introduce its own new products to get solution providers to soar into the cloud-computing era. The two latest products to help solution providers be successful: a new website,, and a new conference, Nexgen Cloud Conference & Expo…
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