Red Hat Stakes Claim in Enterprise PaaS

September 24, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from IT Business Edge. Author: Michael Vizard.

With just about every vendor trying to get in front of what will likely be a major shift to platform as a service (PaaS) in the enterprise, Red Hat has outlined a next-generation cloud computing strategy based on the company’s OpenShift architecture. According to Red Hat President Paul Cormier, the core element of the Red Hat PaaS platform is Red Hat JBoss xPaaS Services for OpenShift, which is based on the JBoss middleware that Red Hat acquired in 2006.

On top of that service are what Red Hat refers to as cartridges that IT organizations can plug in, which includes modules for integration, business process management (BPM) and building mobile applications. The end goal, says Cormier, is to give IT organizations an open source option for deploying a PaaS environment that can be easily deployed across private and public cloud computing services…

Going forward, Cormier says that Red Hat will add additional BPM modules for the cloud, a Fuse data virtualization platform, support for shared processes, advanced data synchronization capabilities and new data grid services…

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