Nvidia shows off high-end game cards, cloud graphics offerings

March 26, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from TheChicagoTribune. Author: Noel Randewich.

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang debuted new and upcoming graphics technology on Tuesday including a $3,000 high-end component for PC game enthusiasts and a cloud-computing partnership with VMWare. With the personal computer industry losing steam and the chipmaker’s move into mobile facing relentless competition, Nvidia is heavily promoting its graphics technology for a wider range of applications, including cars and data centers.

At the company’s annual graphics technology conference in San Jose, Huang wowed close to 3,000 attendees with souped up chips for machine learning and a self-driving Audi, powered by an Nvidia processor, that drove onto the stage during his presentation. Huang announced a new version of Nvidia’s high-end Titan graphics card, its top of the line offering for die-hard PC gamers…

The new Titan Z, which will sell for $2,999, boasts two Kepler graphics processors and follows the previous Titan chip that sold for about $1,000…

Read more from the source @ http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/sns-rt-us-technology-nvidia-20140325,0,3288404.story

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