Is Hardware Back? Mobile and Cloud Technology Offer Clues

June 2, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from CIO. Author: Jonathan Hassell.

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve heard pundits proclaim the death of the PC. As consumers move to tablets and stop buying laptops and desktops, and as companies pinch IT budgets even harder than they have in the past, it’s easy to paint a doomsday scenario for hardware. Even the hardware companies play into this myth — look no further than AMD to see weakness portrayed. For many, it seems, hardware has lost its sexiness.

Not so fast. Hardware is back. There are two clear catalysts for hardware in this era: Mobile devices as well as the explosion of cloud computing as a way to host applications, infrastructure and services. Let’s unpack the promise of hardware from these two perspectives a little more…

The Cloud and Hardware: Servers Are the Lifeblood

It takes massive amounts of hardware to run cloud services at a scale. That’s what astute folks call an F-A-C-T fact. Interestingly, though, saving on hardware costs began the whole cloud wave…

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