IBM patents method to control storage location of cloud data

August 16, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from Pinnacle.  Author: Editorial Staff.

As more businesses adopt cloud computing and storage practices, data governance and security issues are becoming more apparent. A U.S. judge recently ordered Microsoft to give data stored in Ireland data centers to U.S. law enforcement agencies, despite European data protection laws that make Europe-based subsidiaries of foreign companies abide by European law.

IBM is taking strides to change the way public and private cloud data is stored. According to an IBM press release, its inventors recently patented a technique that helps clients automatically analyze and manage the location where information resides. This enables businesses to comply with regulations governing where data can be stored in different countries and continents…

Sandeep Ramesh Patil, master inventor at IBM’s Systems and Technology Storage lab, and a team of co-inventors developed and patented a method called "Geographic governance of data over clouds," according to Anna Hodge’s blog post on A Smarter Planet. This allows businesses to have greater control over the location of cloud data and more easily comply with local laws and regulations. Companies can use the invention to mark or tag data and use an intelligent cloud management system to store files in the appropriate location…

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