Hybrid Cloud Opportunities: Is IT Ready?

April 3, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from InformationWeek. Author: Charles Babcock.

Cloud computing poses a challenge, not necessarily to well-staffed, polished and accomplished IT shops, but to those "who didn’t necessarily fully deploy the previous generation of on-premises network and systems management," noted Jeffrey Kaplan, managing director of ThinkStrategies, an IT consulting firm.

Kaplan moderated the opening day workshop, "New Tools and Techniques for Managing Hybrid Cloud," at Cloud Connect, a UBM Tech event in Santa Clara, Calif. The show started Tuesday and runs through Friday. For struggling IT staffs, hybrid cloud computing promises to deploy an additional layer of computing atop the complexity it is already trying to master, Kaplan told about 40 attendees of his half-day workshop…

Spending on external cloud services will take over 14.5% of the IT budget by 2020, according to an estimate by Research and Innovation Estimates, cited by Kaplan, whether IT staffs want it to or not. Developers tend to lead the way to the cloud from inside the enterprise, using credit cards to commission servers from public cloud providers rather than allowing their projects to be delayed for days waiting for internal IT provisioning…

Read more from the source @ http://www.informationweek.com/cloud-computing/infrastructure/hybrid-cloud-opportunities-is-it-ready/240152194