How is cloud storage done in cloud computing?

May 3, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from NetworkSupportServicesBlog.  Author: Editorial Staff.

In recent times, cloud computing is considered as a major solution for storage of large amounts of data. Clouds are being used for the purpose of high data storage. With an increase and widening of companies that make use of Information Technology, it is difficult to maintain a physical device where data can be stored. Thus, companies are now making use of cloud computing that helps them store the data in a safe and secure place. A number of IT Support service providers now own clouds and lease storage space to different companies. Let us now see how cloud storage is actually done.

Cloud storage is expected to be available and durable no matter what the physical conditions of a system might be. It is a virtual storage system that allows you to store your data without using the physical memory. The size of a cloud storage may range anywhere between a few bytes up to a few petabytes…

This itself, can explain how vast a cloud can be. Let us consider an example that will speak about the durability of a cloud. If an individual or a company stores about 10,000 objects in the cloud, he might lose an object every 10,000,000 years. Thus, cloud storage is durable too…

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