Google Cloud Platform Live – Blending IaaS and PaaS, Moore’s Law for the cloud

March 25, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from GoogleCloudPlatform. Author: Editorial Staff.

Today, at Google Cloud Platform Live we’re introducing the next set of improvements to Cloud Platform: lower and simpler pricing, cloud-based DevOps tooling, Managed Virtual Machines (VM) for App Engine, real-time Big Data analytics with Google BigQuery, and more.

Industry-leading, simplified pricing

The original promise of cloud computing was simple: virtualize hardware, pay only for what you use, with no upfront capital expenditures and lower prices than on-premise solutions. But pricing hasn’t followed Moore’s Law: over the past five years, hardware costs improved by 20-30% annually but public cloud prices fell at just 8% per year…

We think cloud pricing should track Moore’s Law, so we’re simplifying and reducing prices for our various on-demand, pay-as-you-go services by 30-85%:

  • Compute Engine reduced by 32% across all sizes, regions, and classes.
  • App Engine pricing is drastically simplified. We’ve lowered pricing for instance-hours by 37.5%, dedicated memcache by 50% and Datastore writes by 33%. In addition, many services, including SNI SSL and PageSpeed are now offered to all applications at no extra cost.
  • Cloud Storage is now priced at a consistent 2.6 cents per GB. That’s roughly 68% less for most customers.
  • Google BigQuery on-demand prices reduced by 85%.e discounts…

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