Cloud Computing: Why Purely Virtual Teams Don’t Work

April 3, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Erika Anderson.

Ten years ago today, on April 1, 2003, these things did not exist: facebook, youtube, twitter, linkedin. Google had not yet gone public, and Wikipedia was in its infancy. The smartphone was just coming into the market with limited capability. The phrase “cloud computing” didn’t come into common usage till around 2006.

It’s really astonishing that all this has happened in such a short period of time. After tens of thousands of years of interacting with each other in pretty much the same way – face-to-face, or through a physical device (pictures, words, smoke signals) – we’ve suddenly become able to communicate over long distances instantaneously. This communication evolved quickly: from telegraph, to telephone, and then to computers. But it’s only over the past 10 or 15 years that our capabilities have allowed us to communicate so seamlessly that we can actually build pretty robust and 3-dimensional relationships – including work relationships – with people we never meet in person…

After all, you and I are communicating right now. And if you were to wander around online and check out my blog, my business website, facebook pages (personal and business), linkedin profile, Pinterest and instagram accounts, or Google me and see all the stuff that comes up…in fairly short order, you’d know more about me than most people who spent their whole lives living in the same town knew about each other only a generation ago…

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