Cloud Computing: Create the Elastic Datacenter with Windows Server, System Center and Azure

May 3, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from RedmondMag.  Author: Jeffrey Swartz.

One day running your own datacenter will be as rare as producing electricity on-site. While IT pros have heard this refrain for decades, that day remains way out into the future. Still, it’s now possible to run an enterprise without having any servers, storage, networks or software on-site. Indeed, it’s now rare for most startups to build large datacenters. Now they turn right to the cloud for most of their IT when launching new businesses. Yet very few — if any — established enterprises have shut down their datacenters and even the most progressive of enterprises don’t plan to anytime soon.

Even so, that journey has begun. Anywhere you turn enterprise IT is rapidly moving toward cloud architectures based on software-defined datacenters (SDDCs). Though still lacking in true convergence and automation, many of the pieces are now available to let enterprises build scale-out, or elastic, infrastructures and platforms…

Increasingly, organizations will be able to deliver IT as a service using a combination of their own datacenters bridged with the public cloud. This combination is often referred to as hybrid clouds, which enable these elastic software-controlled architectures. Some of the largest of enterprise IT organizations are moving toward becoming their own services providers delivering infrastructure and platform services to lines of business…

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