Cloud Computing Certification: The New Standard?

March 25, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from MidSize Insider. Author: Doug Bonderud.

If midsize IT professionals are asked about the benefits of cloud computing, most have easy answers: Lowered costs, increased agility and even improved security top the list of effective cloud deployments. If they are asked about drawbacks, however, cost may make the list again along with a more interesting concern: IT staff. Many staffers lack any kind of cloud computing certification, having developed their skills through real-world experience rather than classroom training. Midsize companies, therefore, may face a quandary: Experienced personnel hired away by other firms and new staff not up to speed on cloud technology. What is the solution?

The Flipped Classroom

It starts with initiatives like the one from Northern Illinois University (NIU). According to a March 24 article on the NIU Today blog, the university is launching what it calls their Cloud Genius Certification course. Raimund Ege, one of the primary course developers, notes that "research from International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that revenue from cloud services will reach $72.9 billion by 2015, which is four times the projected growth for the worldwide information technology market altogether." In other words, the cloud market is exploding; but to make the best use of it, companies need trained IT staff…

The NIU program makes use of the "flipped classroom" model, which has students watch recorded lectures outside of class and then participate in hands-on projects during class time. This allows students to enjoy feedback from instructors in real time rather than after an assignment or test has been submitted. Final, functional cloud projects are submitted at the end of the course, and if they meet all requirements, students will receive a Cloud Genius Certification and a "digital badge" to display on social media networks or websites…

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