Cellingo Launches SaaS VOIP and SMS Telephone System

July 29, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from SBWire. Author: PR Announcement.

Cellingo.com — a start-up company will launch the nation’s first WordPress based VOIP and SMS telephone system using the SaaS or software-as-a-service business model on July 25. Users can access Cellingo’s SaaS website to make and receive telephone calls online, send and receive text messages, or send delayed SMS to a group of contacts at a specific time and date.

Unlike other VOIP telephone companies, each user could choose a new local telephone number. Once a telephone number has been chosen, the user can make and receive calls online or send and receive text messages. All users will have access to real-time call and SMS logs…

With Cellingo, a user could use it:

– To call current or potential customers
– To add notes and priority status
– To send and receive text messages
– To send delayed group text messages

Cellingo does not require a user to download or configure any special software or plugin. A user could use Cellingo immediately without buying additional VOIP hardware. However, some users may have to purchase a USB headset if their computer does not come with a built-in mic and speaker. Currently, Cellingo does not have the option for users to purchase a USB headset on their website.

Cellingo was created specifically for consultants, and telecommuters; however, most small businesses may find it useful because of its simplicity. Cellingo’s SaaS platform will work on Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system. Currently, Cellingo is optimized for use on Google Chrome, and it was also tested on browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

"Cellingo will save me a lot of time because now I can make calls online and give life insurance quotes without leaving my Internet browser. Plus, I can schedule all of my weekly meetings with its delayed SMS service.", Carlos Lugo, a financial advisor for National Life Group told Cellingo.