Airlock Secure Cloud Platform Launches for Software Developers

April 3, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TalkinCloud.  Author: CJ Arlotta and Joe Panettieri.

Airlock is pitching a new Secure Cloud Platform to start-up businesses and web and app developers that are seeking an easy, secure platform for building and running WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, LAMP, Magento and Ruby on Rails applications. The big question: How can Airlock stand out in a big crowd of cloud services providers?

According to a company press release, the Secure Cloud Platform provides customers and developers with a turn-key environment that features firewalls, malware scanning, vulnerability monitoring, log monitoring, and more. CTO Austin Saucier built the system; COO Peter Lanier oversees marketing and business operations; Communications Director Amanda Lanier oversees community relations…

Give the company credit: Amanda Lanier reached out to the Talkin’ Cloud team to discribe the new product launch. And the company apparently has partnered with JumpBox to gain access to more than 60 fully functional applications and development frameworks…

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