6 Datacentre Deployment Key Factors For Cloud Computing

May 3, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from EUKHost.  Author: Asher Ross.

t is recognised that Cloud Computing is the main driving force for the future ICT. Many IT organisations  have predicted that spending on cloud services results in the secure deployment of services. But as the cloud revolution continues, companies must consider how they will update their ICT infrastructure to prepare for this growth.

There are already many companies that have realised the benefits of ICT infrastructure hosting in Cloud data centres. The ecosystem that is generated in data centres is ideal for those services in the cloud as it provides the opportunity to grow according to demand fluctuation and the necessary electrical power, connectivity and security necessary to ensure reliable performance and continuous availability…

It also provides significant economies of scale, which helps keep costs to a minimum at the critical stage of development of cloud services. An additional benefit is the dramatic cost savings as CAPEX and OPEX, which can easily reach $25 million if you choose to build a data centre.  With this in mind, there are several key factors:..

Read more from the source @ http://blog.eukhost.com/webhosting/6-datacentre-deployment-key-factors-for-cloud-computing/