Using The Cloud To Save Dollars

October 31, 2017 Off By David
Article Written by Sally Perkins

Cloud computing is the future of digital technology and has benefited from intense competition, with the cloud providers "race to zero" being thrilling for consumer pockets.

For both personal and business users of cloud technology, there are a number of ways beyond the basic outlay required that can save you money, from the potential of innovative subscription services to being able to do away with expensive hardware.

Subscription Services

First, to the aforementioned cloud subscription services. Disruptive cloud-based media companies like Hulu, Amazon Prime and especially Netflix have revolutionized how we receive and consume our TV and film. For consumers of cloud technology, this is a huge benefit. Studies have shown that at an average of $103, conventional cable services are one of the biggest wastes of money when you compare it to what’s available on the web.

For businesses, you can exploit the power of customizable subscription services to get clients in who might not want to spend a huge amount of money on a multi-package system, therefore increasing your rate of subscription and revenue.

Hardware Costs

Cloud computing was previously restricted to being a way of storing your files anywhere you went, with speed of access dependent on the quality of your internet connection. These days, however, the potential of cloud computing has exploded to the point where manufacturers are questioning the need for expensive, bulky hardware. Cloud computing has the potential to match top-end physical processors and graphics processors.

For both business consumers and customers, the benefit of this is less initial outlay for hardware. Furthermore, cloud computing requires less maintenance. This means you’re less likely to spending more money in the long run to preserve the integrity of your computers. This is even more pertinent for businesses with greater uptime.

To boot, cloud computing reduces insurance costs.

Staff Costs and Time Management

A familiar scene to businesses with an IT presence will be overworked IT professionals – and especially when it comes to the server room. Indeed, studies have shown that Americans workers are overworked, IT professionals included.

If you’re looking to setup a business, implementing cloud technology from the off will reduce the amount of staff you require to keep the business running and will allow them more time to focus on good quality solutions to issues.

Cloud computing is definitely the future in terms of technology and our working habits. The good news is that it’s not expensive, either, with intense competition and the holistic benefits meaning you can adopt cloud technology without feeling short changed.


About the Author

Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.