Cloud battles persist as IT and business fight it out

September 1, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CBROnline. Author: James Nunns.

Cloud computing technology has become one of the most disruptive forces sweeping across the business world. But while its benefits are widely lauded, it is still not being used as extensively as it could be. The reasons for this are numerous, with some holding more weight than others, however, it is clear that copious amounts of evidence is being laid at the feet of businesses to show them why they should be using cloud.

Many businesses are using cloud technology with 44% of companies surveyed by Oracle saying that they already have a ‘cloud-first’ policy in place, while 29% have a ‘cloud-only’ policy in place. It would seem then that businesses have recognised the technology that they need to support future growth…

However, many businesses have faced a host of challenges such as:…

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