There’re No Jobs In Cloud Computing – Proof Of How Much Richer It Is Making Us

August 27, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Tim Worstall.

There’s a really quite superbly wrong piece in the New York Times about cloud computing. They’re looking at the data centres that Microsoft, Amazon and others are building around the country. There’re a couple of minor economic points, things like path dependence and even government intervention which they get right.

But the big point they’re making they get entirely wrong. They’re bemoaning the fact that these data centres provide very few jobs. But that’s the entire joy of them. They produce huge value and utility without using much human labour. That’s the very process which makes us all richer – gaining more value from less labour…

They’re bemoaning the very thing which is so great about cloud computing – and, of course, all other forms of automation. Something they get right:…

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