How to Invest in Cloud Like a Venture Capitalist

July 6, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InvestingNews. Author: Morag McGreevey.

Cloud computing companies are sweeping the tech landscape at a pace that’s sometimes leaving investors behind. The sector changes so rapidly and dynamically that it’s sometimes difficult to determine which companies are going to transform the way we think about information, data, mobility and tech… and which will prove to be a flash in the pan.

In order to glean some insight into the market, the Investing News Network looked into the investing habits of venture capitalists in this sector. By looking to these professionals, who make a career of getting in on the ground floor, we can estimate the next big trends in cloud investing which are likely to take hold. So without further ado, here’s how to invest in cloud like a venture capitalist…

Recognize the unique transformation occurring in this market

If you feel overwhelmed by the vast array of choice in the cloud computing sector, you’re not alone. Even the most established of venture capitalists are finding this market uniquely difficult to navigate. Indeed, the shifts occurring in the cloud sector have necessitated a new system of early stage investing…

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